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Mineral soil

Mineral soil online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).

Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Healthy Diet. At this time will discuss topics Mineral soil.

What do occasional "sinning"
Parties, eg: Christmas parties and other occasions to the "sin" will be offering again and again. The bad conscience is worth and not afterwards does not help. Significantly more appropriate in such cases is a short to be cleaned. Immediately after the "slip" you take two teaspoons before bed mineral soil (bentonite) with a large glass of water. 

The next morning you start with a detoxifying cocktail. It consists of two teaspoons of mineral soil (bentonite) at a large glass of water (in shaker Shake vigorously and drink quickly). 

The mineral soil absorbs in the digestion of animal proteins, unnatural food ingredients, alcohol, etc. incurred toxins and acids and relieve the damage caused by sugar fermentation processes. Work like a broom and lay the earth wrapped quickly in the mineral acids and toxins out. When you go back now with a healthy diet, exceptions would be without serious consequences.

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