Health food : Cereals online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).
Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Health Diet. At this time will discuss topics Health food : Cereals.
Now and then a bit of cereal or bread were not so tragic, but the usual diet consists in large part from cereals and cereal products that were processed at high temperatures and also puts a lot of artificial additives (such as bread baking tools Anti-mold agents, phosphates, flour, colorants, flavors, etc.). In this mode, and in the current normal quantities of cereals is not a healthy diet.
Another disadvantage of grain consumption, the more grain products are eaten, the more likely it is waived on vegetables and salads. Since grain but contains far fewer nutrients than vegetables and salads, a lush grain consumption to ensure long term malnutrition.
Small amounts of sprouted grain breads, however, and produced therefrom, cereals, soups, etc., can certainly complement a healthy diet. It selects one grain (organic) not so strong such as wheat have been possible ounce (for example, Spelt, emmer, einkorn, wild rye, or barley).
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