Is Milk Really Healthy for Human ? online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).
Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Health Diet. At this time will discuss topics Is Milk Really Healthy for Human.
Cat milk is there to feed kittens until they can independently eat mice and digest. Human milk is there to nourish human babies until they can eat their own fruits and vegetables and digest. And cow's milk is there to feed calves until they can eat independently digest grass and herbs.
It is always amazing how many adult people are stubborn to let his life (and then breast feed even from a cow). As in ancient times even the raw milk from their own kind and has been treated naturally fed cow (or goat) consumed fresh or soured, this may be may not have been so tragic.
But today, there are of course held raw cows as well as not at all. In some countries trade with untreated milk is even prohibited. Those milk (and all dairy products produced from it) that you can now buy in supermarkets is not a food but a real health risk.
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