Fruit is often not tolerated online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).
Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Healthy Diet. At this time will discuss topics Fruit is often not tolerated.
Who shakes have the word "fruit" with the head and shouts "I can not stand," should take two things into consideration. First Fruit is often not tolerated, so long as the digestive system full of "relics" (slags and residues from decades of unhealthy food is eaten).
Fruit shall never broom and dustpan from her hand. Or in other words, the fruit habit has to want to cleanse the body all the time, what can lead as all the detoxification and cleansing reactions of the body ailments. So is not the fruit of the bogeyman, but the old garbage in your digestive organs. In this case, a thorough colon cleansing is essential.
Once the bowel is clean, fruit is suddenly perfectly tolerated and digested easily. Second, it must be observed with the consumption of fruit, fruit that are digested very quickly. Within 30-45 minutes, you pass through the digestive tract. Eat fruit for dessert, it gets critical. For the digestion of meat, cereals, but also vegetables, the organism needs much longer. Since the "slow" noodle casserole is in the stomach and the nimble apple is not past it. The apple begins to ferment. And already the problems are there. If the apple was eaten as a starter, it would have these problems not present.
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