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Basic rules on the way to healthy eating

Basic rules on the way to healthy eating online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).

Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Healthy Diet. At this time will discuss topics Basic rules on the way to healthy eating.

Basic rules on the way to healthy eating :
Fruits should be eaten more of itself and always on an empty stomach. Green leafy vegetables like young spinach, dandelion, corn salad, etc., can be eaten together as a single food group with fruit.
• Fruits take about 30-45 minutes to digest it. Only then would otherwise be eaten.
• Do not mix - as long as you eat cereal, milk and meat two or more concentrated protein in a meal such as milk with cereals or sausage with cheese, meats (pizza) or cereal with meat (Spaghetti Bolognese , pasta with meat) or cereal with cheese (cheese bread). Eat cereal or cheese or meat, only vegetables or salad.
• Eat more until the next meal if the previous meal is digested: True combined purely vegetarian meals are digested in about four hours.
• meals containing animal products need 10 hours or longer until they are digested. Eat more so after such a meal on this day nothing.
• After a cooked meal should be eaten on that day no more raw food.
• Do not eat desserts, even in the form of fruit. They interfere with healthy digestion and fermentation processes and lead to fungal growth in the intestine.
• If you have eaten wheat cereals so far, you can germinate the grain and then to squeeze until flakes. Try granola from millet, amaranth, tiger nuts or other gluten-free "grains". When you take low acid fruit varieties. Dairy products make you away.
• If you eat eggs, then only of ultimate chickens and eat the eggs raw as possible (for example, cooked very soft or very briefly fried egg).
• Do you prefer when buying more local fruits and vegetables. Select old fruit and vegetables. to observe modern varieties (especially apples, oranges, pineapples, but also carrots and beets) to a high sugar were cultivated, which means that although these fruits contain much sugar and therefore relish the wonderful people, but they are clearly poorer in minerals as the original so called native varieties.

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