Healthy Diet Compare with Animals online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).
Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Health Diet. At this time will discuss topics Healthy Diet Compare with Animals.
Many people are reluctant to compare with animals. But while monkeys and other animals with them, instinctively know what their proper and healthy diet, know the people have long since ceased. They have lost their instinct for healthy eating. In the animal kingdom, by the way as far as we can tell people no nutrition
Scientifically active individuals, Each animal eats its kind and according to his nature, without the need to consult some experts.To date, not a buzzard was seen sitting in the apple tree früchteschmausend. Also missing eyewitness accounts, under which wolves roam asend over meadows. Each animal's natural diet remains true to its kind.
That it must be, for the same time as healthy eating, the shows with a rich supply of food - perfect health of these animals was previously diagnosed case of wild animals, none of the typical diseases of civilization, with which man must bother. There are neither overweight nor lions wolves with carious teeth and no rabbit with hay fever.
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