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Healthy diet for children

Healthy diet for children online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).

Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Health Diet. At this time will discuss topics Healthy diet for children.

A healthy diet is not so much just to eat some nutritious food, but rather in daily from various food groups and to benefit nutritionally favorable and tasty combinations. Children often eat irregularly. Their appetite feeling is accompanied by fluctuations which are associated with different growth spurts, with the movement intensity and social conditions (eg conflicts in the school and / or at home).

In this time of growth and bone formation, it is particularly important that attention is paid to an adequate supply of nutrients. Parents have here a significant influence (role model) on the eating habits of their children.

In general, a nutritious and healthy nutrition of the growing child with a simple rule of thumb is to achieve:
Healthy diet for children : Every day, more whole grain products, vegetables and fruit, enough milk and dairy products, some meat, fat products and sweets.

Healthy diet for children aged 10-15 years, this may look like in volume as follows:
  1. Every day 400 ml of milk, dairy products (1 cup equal to about 150 ml)
  2. Every day, 200 g fresh fruit (2-3 pieces of fruit such as apples, bananas, peaches, etc.)
  3. Daily 250 g of bread and cereals (eg, 5 slices of bread and cereal bowls 1-2)
  4. Daily 200 g of vegetables (varied by season, steamed and raw)
  5. Daily 180 g of potatoes, rice, noodles (alternately and preferably whole grain pasta)
  6. Daily 20 g butter, margarine, vegetable oil (1 tablespoon = 10-15 g)
  7. Daily 50 g lean meat or lean meat (it is recommended servings of meat to distribute to the week)
  8. Weekly 2-3 eggs
  9. Weekly (2 times) 150 g fish (also in between times of fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon)
  10. Cakes and sweets can be enjoyed up to about 80 g daily,
  11. Jam and sugar every day should not exceed 45 grams.

Snacks should be fruit and whole grain-rich to a possible craving for "sweets kiosk" prevent. Children and teenagers should not drink enough every day. Recommended are about a half liter of unsweetened preferably mineral water, diluted fruit juices, herbal and fruit teas. A healthy eating can be promoted, mainly by the following factors in the home :
  1. Activities in the fresh air (preferably daily)
  2. No sweets before meals! With a delicious dessert (eg cake colorful fruit salad, cottage cheese dish with fruit, custard, biscuits or wholemeal) is an incentive to eat anything sweet before.
  3. A possible lack of nutrients over a longer period is expressed mostly through a change in behavior (eg, nervousness, frequent fatigue, sleep disturbances, passivity or hyperactivity, etc.) and / or a change in the skin, Hair, Finger nails.
  4. Eat with pleasure join! For example, through joint shopping, preparing and cooking
  5. A pleasant to the eye and create beautiful table atmosphere. For example, the child according to his desire and creativity to set the table (perhaps time picnic in the living room?)
  6. praise, recognition and affection to give! While eating, the child can tell if it wants.
  7. Food Play can promote the interest and the appetite. For example, food-rate game, blindfolded or question-answer games about food, their origin and nutrient suppliers.

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