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Healthy Blood pressure Diet

Healthy Blood pressure Diet online from (Health Center For Healthy Diet).

Hello, nice to meet you today in this blog's Health Center for Healthy Diet. At this time will discuss topics Healthy Blood pressure Diet.

Blood is our most important organ. All other body cells are built up : skin cells, bone cells, liver cells, intestinal cells, etc. Not only on the quality of your blood, but your entire body on the quantity and quality of the food consumed by you the green plants. Conveniently plants is blood not only the king of all blood building materials, but also one of the basic and most energetic food in general. Green plants contain everything we need and nothing that is unnecessary or harmful.

Green plants can be in the form of salad or green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, kale, parsley, or take the green leaves of cabbage or radishes themselves. The latter is much richer in vital nutrients as the tuber or root itself, the ultimate in minerals and vital material wealth are wild plants.

No crop can match the power and life energy of a wild plant. Think goosefoot to known, almost ineradicable weeds such as dandelion, elder, nettle or white. If you incorporate these plants into your diet, which flows unending strength and tireless energy in life until you have become ineradicable even as these plants.

If you have some days no time to prepare fresh green vegetables, you can substitute a drink made from organic wheat grass powder mixed with a freshly prepared fruit drinks of your choice. In this way, your body needs never give up chlorophyll the main blood and nutrient support of sunlight.

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